Mykal Kumasi Jones

Female Drum Players

Female drummers are increasingly making their presence felt in the male-dominated music industry. It's not just a trend but rather a sign of the times. Female drummers are changing the face of the music industry, and they are doing it with style and grace.

Female drummers are not a new trend. One of the most famous female drummers, Sheila E, has played with award-winning musical icons likePrince, Madonna, and Michael Jackson. She is known for her unique style of playing drums, which includes playing with her fingers and using her whole hand to strike the drums.

Woman on drums is not only an inspiration to other women but also to young girls who want to pursue their dreams in music. These women are not only talented musicians. In an industry dominated by males, they are also role models for all those who want to enter this field and make a difference.

Girls On Drums

Girls are often discouraged from playing instruments like drums because of the stigma that they should be playing something more "feminine," presumably the violin, but that's outdated thinking! There's a shift in the music industry as more and more girls are starting to play drums, and it's just getting started.

Young female drummers need to have opportunities to express themselves and learn from like-minded people doing it. It could be through teaching others or performance opportunities.